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Estás solo, todo está destruído, la muerte quiere cazarte. Has sobrevivido al fin y eso no es todo: esta guerra sigue en pie, pues el fin supone un nuevo principio, uno más tormentoso donde tendrás que demostrar lo que vales. ¿Crees poder sobrevivir?, si no... Abandonad toda esperanza aquellos que os adentráis en este nuevo, virulento y destrozado lugar.

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» ₪ Novedades de enero de 2025
The temples are now burning EmptyAyer a las 07:56 por Agent 4.0

» ₪ Juego: Diez mensajes antes de un chico
The temples are now burning EmptyJue 23 Ene 2025, 23:08 por Leopold Hart

» Terapia de grupo [Silver Lake]
The temples are now burning EmptyJue 23 Ene 2025, 14:42 por Octavia Orue

» A casa [Umbrella]
The temples are now burning EmptyMar 21 Ene 2025, 10:54 por Daniel Cortés

» ₪ Juego: Chicas Vs. chicos
The temples are now burning EmptyLun 20 Ene 2025, 14:35 por Leah Hadley

» One Step from Paradise│Leah- FB
The temples are now burning EmptyLun 20 Ene 2025, 14:33 por Leah Hadley

» ₪ Censo de Nombres {O B L I G A T O R I O}
The temples are now burning EmptyDom 19 Ene 2025, 11:58 por Ryder

» ₪ Registro de Apellidos {O B L I G A T O R I O}
The temples are now burning EmptyDom 19 Ene 2025, 11:57 por Ryder

» ₪ Registro de Avatares {O B L I G A T O R I O}
The temples are now burning EmptyDom 19 Ene 2025, 11:56 por Ryder

» Terreno hostil [D. Cortés]
The temples are now burning EmptyLun 13 Ene 2025, 12:30 por Daniel Cortés

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The temples are now burning Tumblr_inline_p5k38cr2B21szqopu_500The temples are now burning BssODpeThe temples are now burning 7apH6diThe temples are now burning SH3v5XcThe temples are now burning SH3v5XcThe temples are now burning SH3v5XcThe temples are now burning SH3v5XcThe temples are now burning SH3v5XcThe temples are now burning SH3v5Xc

The temples are now burning

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The temples are now burning Empty The temples are now burning

Mensaje por Sienna Adler Jue 13 Nov 2014, 15:13

Sienna Adler

  • Activos
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01/05/16 · Absolutamente nada → Arcadia
12/11/14 · Mooney falls → Thea Grayson
22/10/12 · Cuando los zombies eran cosa de Romero → Thea y Keith
06/05/15 · Dejando atrás los viejos tiempos → Nicholas Robles
10/12/14 · Death is knocking but I dont mind... → Matt H. Larsen
31/12/14 · La guarida → Wolfpack
24/11/14 · ¿Has... visto eso? → Thea + Tay Tay + Libre
31/05/15 · Paso a paso → Fitzgerald Dustin
01/06/15 · Pausa → Alex Spielfield

A beautiful liar, love for him is pain. The temples are now burning, our faith caught up in flames. I need a new direction, cause I have lost my way. All we need is faith.

Sienna Adler

Sienna Adler

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The temples are now burning Empty Re: The temples are now burning

Mensaje por Sienna Adler Jue 23 Abr 2015, 02:41

Actualizo la cronología con los temas nuevos y los acabados.

A beautiful liar, love for him is pain. The temples are now burning, our faith caught up in flames. I need a new direction, cause I have lost my way. All we need is faith.

Sienna Adler

Sienna Adler

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The temples are now burning Empty Re: The temples are now burning

Mensaje por Sienna Adler Jue 31 Dic 2015, 03:35

Actualizo con nuevo rol junto a Nicholas Robles.

A beautiful liar, love for him is pain. The temples are now burning, our faith caught up in flames. I need a new direction, cause I have lost my way. All we need is faith.

Sienna Adler

Sienna Adler

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The temples are now burning Empty Re: The temples are now burning

Mensaje por Sienna Adler Vie 19 Feb 2016, 20:11

Cronología actualizada: Nuevo rol junto a Thea y Taylor.

A beautiful liar, love for him is pain. The temples are now burning, our faith caught up in flames. I need a new direction, cause I have lost my way. All we need is faith.

Sienna Adler

Sienna Adler

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The temples are now burning Empty Re: The temples are now burning

Mensaje por Sienna Adler Miér 02 Mar 2016, 20:29

Cronología actualizada: Nuevo rol junto a Fitz y otro con Alex.

A beautiful liar, love for him is pain. The temples are now burning, our faith caught up in flames. I need a new direction, cause I have lost my way. All we need is faith.

Sienna Adler

Sienna Adler

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The temples are now burning Empty Re: The temples are now burning

Mensaje por Sienna Adler Vie 15 Jul 2022, 14:23

Actualizado Very Happy

A beautiful liar, love for him is pain. The temples are now burning, our faith caught up in flames. I need a new direction, cause I have lost my way. All we need is faith.

Sienna Adler

Sienna Adler

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The temples are now burning Empty Re: The temples are now burning

Mensaje por Sienna Adler Mar 20 Sep 2022, 20:52

01/05/16 · Absolutamente nada → Arcadia

A beautiful liar, love for him is pain. The temples are now burning, our faith caught up in flames. I need a new direction, cause I have lost my way. All we need is faith.

Sienna Adler

Sienna Adler

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The temples are now burning Empty Re: The temples are now burning

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