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Estás solo, todo está destruído, la muerte quiere cazarte. Has sobrevivido al fin y eso no es todo: esta guerra sigue en pie, pues el fin supone un nuevo principio, uno más tormentoso donde tendrás que demostrar lo que vales. ¿Crees poder sobrevivir?, si no... Abandonad toda esperanza aquellos que os adentráis en este nuevo, virulento y destrozado lugar.

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Últimos temas
» ₪ Juego: Chicas Vs. chicos
When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead and the white knight is talking backwards... #CR EmptyMiér 06 Nov 2024, 23:51 por Ireth Haven

» ₪ Habilidades: Actualización de Puntos
When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead and the white knight is talking backwards... #CR EmptyDom 03 Nov 2024, 14:19 por Ryder

» Detrás de las Colinas (Confirmación Élite)
When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead and the white knight is talking backwards... #CR EmptyDom 03 Nov 2024, 14:17 por Ryder

» Respira de nuevo ▬ Privado
When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead and the white knight is talking backwards... #CR EmptySáb 02 Nov 2024, 20:12 por Octavia Orue

» ₪ MICROPUNTOS: regalo semanal
When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead and the white knight is talking backwards... #CR EmptySáb 02 Nov 2024, 18:53 por Agent 4.0

» S.T.A.R.S. de Raccoon City y otros {2/5}
When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead and the white knight is talking backwards... #CR EmptySáb 02 Nov 2024, 18:03 por Alice Stephens

» Gajes del oficio [Jesse Doe]
When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead and the white knight is talking backwards... #CR EmptySáb 02 Nov 2024, 17:59 por Alice Stephens

» Agentes de SHIE... digo Pandemonium [0/6 + TRAMAS LIBRES]
When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead and the white knight is talking backwards... #CR EmptyVie 01 Nov 2024, 23:11 por Ryder

» ₪ Temas Concluidos {O B L I G A T O R I O}
When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead and the white knight is talking backwards... #CR EmptyJue 31 Oct 2024, 10:08 por Agent 4.0

» Turno de urgencia [Ethan y Sylvia]
When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead and the white knight is talking backwards... #CR EmptyJue 31 Oct 2024, 00:53 por Ethan Wake

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Élite {36/54}
Cyberpunk Rol
When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead and the white knight is talking backwards... #CR Tumblr_inline_p5k38cr2B21szqopu_500When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead and the white knight is talking backwards... #CR BssODpeWhen logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead and the white knight is talking backwards... #CR SH3v5XcWhen logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead and the white knight is talking backwards... #CR SH3v5XcWhen logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead and the white knight is talking backwards... #CR SH3v5XcWhen logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead and the white knight is talking backwards... #CR SH3v5XcWhen logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead and the white knight is talking backwards... #CR SH3v5XcWhen logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead and the white knight is talking backwards... #CR SH3v5XcWhen logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead and the white knight is talking backwards... #CR SH3v5Xc

When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead and the white knight is talking backwards... #CR

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Keith Basanti Kästner

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22/10/12 · Cuando los zombies eran cosa de Romero → Thea & Dallas
DD/MM/AA · [url=LINK]TÍTULO[/url] → Personajes que Participan
DD/MM/AA · [url=LINK]TÍTULO[/url] → Personajes que Participan

When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead and the white knight is talking backwards... #CR Va0Vkxi

Keith B. Kästner

Keith B. Kästner

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1º TEMA: FLASHBACKS - 22/10/12 · Cuando los zombies eran cosa de Romero → Thea & Dallas

When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead and the white knight is talking backwards... #CR Va0Vkxi

Keith B. Kästner

Keith B. Kästner

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